Tuesday's Webinar: Supporting Your Workforce's Mental Health During This Time

By Made In Group
schedule27th Apr 20


Taking place on Tuesday the 28th of April 2020 at 10:30-11:30pm, Made in Group's latest Live webinar with Able Future is geared around supporting your workforce's mental health, particularly throughout this challenging period of remote working.

The importance of supporting your employees mental health during lockdown and the coronavirus pandemic more broadly has been well documented. Many employees throughout the nation are intensely worrying about the current coronavirus situation and how it may affect our lives in the short, medium and long term. 

Remote working has become an abrupt reality for many workers throughout the nation. However, for workers in many industries, this is not a reality that is likely to go away too soon, with many people even predicting that Covid-19 could cause a permanent shift towards remote working throughout the UK.

Therefore, we believe it is important to recognise how this increased prospects for stress and anxiety is likely to affect our mental health and make sure that we are doing the right things to resultantly take care of ourselves and our colleagues.

Able Futures is a nationwide specialist partnership set up to provide the Access to Work Mental Health Support Service on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions. They offer support to the people working and living with mental health difficulties, employers and providers of apprenticeships. The organisation ultimately aims to people living with mental health difficulties to have more good days than bad ones.

Elaine O'Neill - the National Employer Engagement Manager at Able Futures - will be giving us her expert insight into how to support your employee's mental health in the workplace (be that remote or otherwise). 

To attend the webinar on Tuesday 28/04/20 at 10:30am, simply log into your Made In profile and click Virtual Meetings. If you are struggling with this, click the link below or contact [email protected] to be sent a link directly.



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