TWP kick-starts its net-zero journey with help from Pro Enviro

By Made In Group
schedule22nd Mar 22

Members of Made in the Midlands Threeway Pressings and Pro Enviro are working together after re-establishing their connection at a Made networking event. Specialist decarbonisation consultancy, Pro Enviro, has helped Tipton based manufacturer Threeway Pressings to reduce its energy consumption by a staggering 21% so far.

Established over 20 years ago, Threeway Pressings is a high-quality pressings and injection moulding manufacturer. Over the years, the firm has expanded its capabilities and services to an impressive extent, due to ongoing investment and a passion for reshoring manufacturing back to the UK. TWP supplies to a wide range of industries including automotive, construction and electrical. The TWP group includes Paterson, Bull Barrow, Spraybase and Karripal, all housed in one major facility in Tipton.

TWP originally utilised the services of Pro Enviro back in 2007, before the Made in Group was established in 2009. Since then the two businesses re-established the partnership after Phil Stanley, Managing Director of TWP, and Deborah Green, Business Development Manager at Pro Enviro, met at a Virtual Breakfast Morning hosted by Made in Group. 

The Made in Group, consisting of Made in the Midlands and Made in Yorkshire, is a manufacturing cluster facilitating over 400 manufacturers and related businesses within the Midlands and Yorkshire. The group includes the likes of Kuka Robotics, Jaguar Landrover, BAE Systems, Schneider Electric and more. 

As the pressure increased for businesses to start their journey to net-zero, and energy prices soared, Phil wanted to ensure that TWP was ahead of the curve. The firm had already made some ‘green agenda’ changes by reducing their plastics and packaging, replacing their lights with LED fittings, installing power factor correction units and reshoring their supply chain to the UK. Phil said:

“We had come to a point where there was nothing else we could do without understanding where we were not using energy efficiently. Since working with Pro Enviro it has given us massive insight into this, alongside understanding our consumption and how we can decrease our footprint. We have now lowered our footprint by 21% since working with them”

Pro Enviro are leaders in developing and implementing low carbon and net-zero strategies for organisations in all sectors. With over 30 years of experience, the organisation has helped hundreds of manufacturers understand, measure and reduce their carbon footprint, and is now helping them decarbonise their businesses. They do this by combining their expert knowledge with their bespoke easy to use online tools: SEE Change, an online automated energy monitoring and targeting system, and CFAR, a carbon footprinting, accounting and reporting system. Deborah said:

“Both Phil and Richard, directors at TWP, could immediately see how combining knowledge and expertise with our online Energy and Carbon Portal (ECP) would help TWP achieve its carbon reduction goals in a structured, scientific, measured, and easy to follow way. This includes using energy footprinting, macro and micro metering of all energy intensive equipment and detailed analysis of energy consumption and carbon emissions.” 

TWP's goal is to become carbon neutral by 2035 – staying way ahead of the game. Alongside decreasing their carbon footprint by 21%, with Pro Enviro’s help they have also secured a £13,000 rebate and relief of charges from the Climate Change levy. 

Pro Enviro offers this service to every eligible client, as part of their holistic approach to energy management and helping organisations  to develop and imbed low and net-zero carbon strategies to decarbonise their operations. 

Find out more about Pro Enviros services by heading to their microsite. 


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